February 22, 2014


                        OneFivef's over size t-shirt, Dr Martens Boots, The Goods Dept tote bag

 it's been a long time! i just really-really have no time to take a photo and also the one who always help me to take a picture already went back to Jakarta and i left alone here in Bangkok. but finally! The 'IT BOYS' from Jakarta come and we have so fun time together, and i really miss to talk in bahasa too! glad they come! even tho we only can have 2 days together because i need to come back to the hell's kitchen (duh!) see you in my next post!


  1. umm, maybe this outfit isn't fit for ur body..looks weird..this the weirdest style for u i think

  2. hello mei! welcome back :D
    love your boots btw, when will you came back to Indonesia? :)

    This is real and This is me

  3. you look awesome as always! <3
    ga usah didengerin anon-nya. kece kok ini~

  4. itu anon siapa....

    ignoreee cus you look kece-er than ever gila mei. Bangkok has threatened you so well ya sampe ga balik2?!

    seru banget pasti belanja bareng ya hahaha take care eonnie. muahhh xx

    Letters To Juliet

  5. Omg I miss you and your posts!!! Kece bgt la gilaaaa love everything about this itu apa si anon go awayyyy


  6. I never been to Bangkok and Jakarta
    would like to visit one day
    would you like to follow each other to keep in touch?
    Please, let me know! ;)
    Follow me and I will follow you back for certain
    (leave a blog link at my blog after follow so I can go back ur blog again)
